2015年10月7日 星期三

[SAP][Data Service] Data Services Designer 執行 JOB 時 "The job server you selected is not working"

今天發生了一件怪事,在此做個記錄,希望能幫到發生過這個問題,而不知如何解決的人。在 Data Services Designer 執行時,都會要登錄至 Repositories ,在此登錄時都沒有什麼問題。

但在執行 JOB 時,確出現以下的錯誤訊息!!

「The job server you selected is not working.」

在 Data Services Designer 視窗的狀態列,可以看到以下的訊息。
Job Server : (BO2:3500) - notification server error (BODI-1241023)

Job Server : JobServer_1 @ BO2 : 3500 


To troubleshoot this issue:
1) From the Designer machine open a command-line prompt and type 'telnet '. You should be able to open a telnet session successfully (basically a blank/black screen). If you get booted out that means that there is something on your network that is preventing the communication.

2) If the test above is successful and you can connect successfully then the next step is to ensure that from your Job Server machine you can successfully connect to the machine and ports that the Designer is listening to. By default the Designer determines it's own port (any port above 1024 can be grabbed), so to be able to test this you need to:
  1. In the Designer click on 'Tools - Options', then select 'Designer - Environment.
  2. Un-check 'Allow Designer to set the port for Job Server communication' and set a specific port (i.e. 3510 - the same port in both range-start and range-end slots).
  3. Hit OK, restart Designer.
  4. On the machine where your Job Server is installed open a command-line/shell prompt and type in 'telnet '. Can you establish a telnet session in this direction (Job Server machine to Designer machine)?
One of these two tests will likely fail. Once you know which one, then you can continue to work with your IT department or network team to resolve this issue.

但試了上述的方法還是一樣。那可能的問題點是在「防火牆」,最簡單的方式就是把防火牆關閉。至於要開那些特定的 Port ,還要再查看看囉

